Laboratory for Scientific Computing

LSC Network Rules

User accounts and quotas

You should change your password from the one initially given to you as soon as possible, using the passwd command. Your password must contain at least 8 characters, of which at least one must be upper-case, at least one numeric, and at least one a non-alpha-numeric character.

Each user is initially given 10GB of storage available under /home/raid/username/ You can check how close you are to using your quota by typing quota -s at a command prompt. If you go over your quota, you will be e-mailed automatically. If this happens, please delete or move any large files as soon as possible. In some circumstances, an increase in quota may be permitted; ask a system admin nicely.
The home-directory is backed up daily (at 4am). If you delete something by mistake, it should be possible to retrieve it if you let a systems admin. know as soon as possible, as the daily backups are kept for 10 days, then one a week for 8 weeks, then one a month for 6 months.

Files such as your thesis, dissertation, or source-code should be stored in your home-directory. You can also make use of your University Google Drive account, or your University Microsoft Sharepoint account.