Laboratory for Scientific Computing

Connections from outside CUDN

Connections from outside CUDN

As of January 2016, the LSC/CSC network migrated to a private subnet within the University network (CUDN). This means that it is no longer possible to connect to computers on the network from outside the CUDN without extra work.

Cambridge VPN

In order to connect to the network, you need to join the Cambridge VPN (Virtual Private Network). Instructions for doing this can be found on the UIS website. Once connected, you can access apollo by typing ssh

If you have problems following any of the instructions on the UIS website, please ask an LSC sysadmin in the first instance. Connecting from machines running Ubuntu 12.04 is not possible due to a bug in the VPN sub-system of the network manager. Machines running Ubuntu 14.04 or later will work.

VPN on LSC laptops

If you have a laptop installed with Ubuntu supplied by CSC/LSC, then run the setup_vpn command to set up a VPN that connects to the Cambridge network. Instructions on how to activate the VPN are given from the previous command.