Laboratory for Scientific Computing


Introduction to LaTeX

The Engineering department have a set of introductions to LaTeX. All of the main packages should be installed on the LSC network already.

The default version of TeXLive is from 2019. If you need a more recent version, do:

export PATH=/lsc/opt/texlive/2023/bin/x86_64-linux/:$PATH


For presentations in LaTeX, the best package to use is Beamer. The manual can be downloaded in PDF form: Beamer manual. Of course, you shouldn't really have too many equations in your presentations anyway. Using Microsoft Powerpoint, Keynote for Mac or similar may prevent you from doing this.

If you want a University-themed beamer presentation, then download the examples from Useful documents. These are unofficial attempt to reproduce in LaTeX the official University templates, available from University Offices. The latter should be used if at all possible.