Programming - Errata
Errata merged July 22, 2012 by Nick Maclaren.
This is errata for the 1st printing of
Programming: Principles and Practice using C++
giving the 4th printing; see that Web site for the separate, original errata.
Comments, improvements, bug reports, etc. are welcome.
I list both corrections and clarifications.
There is essentially no problem that I consider too small to list,
so you might find many pieces of errata too minor to bother with (I know because I have received email to that effect),
but at this stage, I'd rather not make decisions about what an unknown reader will find bothersome.
Please note that the number of errata does not equal the number of errors.
I say this because I have seen the book condemned unread because the number of errata.
Big issues, such as "why don't you use XXX for your GUI?", "please add two more chapters on the STL",
and "please use C++0x features to simplify the code" are not errata but considerations for future work and
will not appear here.
Different people have different preferences for sorting errata: in
chronological order, in page order, each printing separate, all
printings merged, etc.
However, I can't manage multiple organizations, so what you get is what
seems to be most useful for most people.
At the request of repeat visitors to the page, I have started to add
dates of posting of individual errata. If an errata is changed, so is
its date.
As an abbreviation I use, s/before/after/ to mean replace "before" with "after".
Table of contents
- (+5/15/09) pg vi: s/delete repeated words/detect repeated words/
Chapter 0
- (+8/16/2010) pg 10: s/Software engineering principles first/"Software engineering principles first"/
- (+) pg 11: s/Appendix E/Appendix C/
Chapter 1
- (+) pg 22: s/animators,// (need not to be mentioned twice in the same sentence)
- (+12/8/09) pg 32: s/though web interfaces/through web interfaces/
- (+2/24/09) pg 34: s/www.research.att/~bs/applications.html/
Chapter 2
- (+4/4/09) pg 48: s/You'll find that computers/You'll find that compilers/
- (+) pg 52: s/Appendix D/Appendix C/
- (+) pg 53: s/Appendix D/Appendix C/
- (+) pg 55: s/repeating exercise 4/repeating exercise 5/
Chapter 3
- (+5/20/09) pg 60: s/delete repeated/detect repeated/
- (+5/15/09) pg 61: s/read characters into name/read characters into first_name/
- (+4/11/2010) pg 64: s/22 followed by some random number/22 followed by (age followed by some random number/
- (+2/24/09) pg 65: s/Hello 22/Hello, 22/
- (+4/2/09) pg 65: s/and the character literal '\n'//
- (+4/15/09) pg 65: s/string literals "Hello, " and " (age "./string literals "Hello, ", " (age ", and ")\n"./
- (+4/11/2010) pg 65: s/5.5/five-and-a-half/
- (+) pg 67: s/3.7/3.9.1/
- (+4/11/2010) pg 67: s/another name for newline ("end of line")/another name for newline ("end of line") in output/
- (+5/15/09) pg 71: s/delete repeated words/detect repeated words/
- (+7/19/09) pg 73: s/count repeated words/find repeated words/
- (+12/25/09) pg 73: replace '/= and %= are referred to as "scaling"' by '*= and /= are referred to as "scaling"'
- (+4/11/2010) pg 74: s/"repeated: "<</"repeated: " <</
- (+12/25/09) pg 75: s/String s =/STRING s =/
- (+4/11/2010) pg 77: s/don't use/don't use the initial capital letter style/
- (+4/11/2010) pg 77: s/McDonald/MacDonald/
- (+4/25/2010) pg 80: s/error("d1 is negative");/cout << "d1 is negative";/
- (+4/19/2010) pg 81: s/double d =0;/double d = 0;/
- (+4/2/09) pg 82: s/[0,127]/[0:127]/
(+4/19/2010) pg 82: s/(always rounds down)/(always rounds down; towards zero)/
(+4/25/2010) pg 83: s/error("you're kidding!")./simple_error("you're kidding!") using simple_error() from std_lib_facilities.h./
(+4/19/2010) pg 86: s/You may ...; it can be done.//
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
- (+4/2/09) pg 135: s/int s1 = area(7)/int s2 = area(7)/
- (+2/24/09) pg 137: s/OK,/OK:/
- (+10/30/2010) pg 138: s/the argument type)/the argument types)/
- (+5/7/2010) pg 138: s/exactly on its type./exactly on its type. For more details see §8.2-3./
- (+5/7/2010) pg 140: s/most common answer./most common approach./
- (+10/30/2010) pg 140: s/This suffices/This approach sufficies/
- (+4/2/09) pg 141: s/frame_area/framed_area/ twice
- (+5/22/09) pg 141: s/2nd area() argument/argument for area()/
- (+2/24/09) pg 142: s/frame_area/framed_area/
- (+4/2/09) pg 143: s/5.9/5.10/
- (+3/9/09) pg 145: s/width <=0/width<=0/
- (+2/24/09) pg 146: s/a vector ints/a vector of ints/ (in the comment)
- (+2/24/09) pg 147: s/a vector ints/a vector of ints/ (in the comment)
- (+) pg 147: s/out_of_range_error/out_of_range/
- (+5/7/2010) pg 149: s/a few exceptions/a few types of exceptions/
- (+3/9/09) pg 151: s/it produces a new value corresponding to its operand of the required type./
it produces a new value (of the type specified in the < ... >) that corresponds to its operand value./
- (+5/7/2010) pg 152: s/control statements/if-statements/
- (+3/20/09) pg 155: s/9.65685/10.3923/
- (+) pg 157: s/terminal/computer/
- (+8/16/2010) pg 159: s/after the 0/after the 0/
- (+5/7/2010) pg 162: s/no comments documented/no comments/
- (+4/5/09) pg 168, exercise 7: remove redundant advice: s/and have it throw ... if there is an error.//
(The reader can decide what to do about errors).
- (+9/23/09) pg 168, exercise 8: change to simplify exercise:
s/Write a program ... 48."/
Write a program that reads and stores a series of integers
and then computes the sum of the first N integers.
First ask for N, then read the values into a vector,
then calculate the sum of the first N values. For example:
Please enter the number of values you want to sum:
Please enter some integers (press '|' to stop):
12 23 13 24 15 |
The sum of the first 3 numbers ( 12 23 13 ) is 48
(+7/7/2010) pg 168: s/, starting with the first//
Chapter 6
- (+6/22/09) pg 178: Add an output line and a test to the example:
cout << "Please enter expression (we can handle +, -, *, and /)\n";
cout << "add an x to end expression (e.g., 1+2*3x): ";
int lval = 0;
int rval;
char op;
cin>>lval; // read leftmost operand
if (!cin) error("no first operand");
while (cin>>op) { // read operator and right-hand operand repeatedly
if (op!='x') cin>>rval;
if (!cin) error("no second operand");
- (+5/17/2010) pg 179: s/among digits and plusses/among digits, plusses, minuses, and parentheses/
- (+) pg 183: s/We can read out input/We can read input/
- (+) pg 183: s/read token from cin/function to read token from cin/
- (+) pg 189: s/(again leaving/(leaving/
- (+) pg 190: s/Expression*Term rule/Expression+Term rule/
- (+5/9/2010) pg 197: s/to avoid/to apply/
- (+) pg 198: s/
- (+5/24/09) pg 199: /question 4 above/question 5 in sec6.3.5/
- (+) pg 202: s/5+6+7/5+6/ twice
(if you use 5+6+7 the output is far harder to understand with than that from plain 5+6, and the solution harder to spot).
- (+) pg 203: s/5+6+7/5+6/ three times
- (+) pg 203: s/18/11/ twice
- (+4/2/09) pg 207: s/6.5.1/6.3.3/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 208: s/in the definition of Token above./in the definition of Token in §6.3.3./
- (+4/2/09) pg 209, end of page: empty shouldn't be in code font
- (+6/13/2010) pg 209: s/ get() is defined elsewhere/ get() is defined in §6.8.2/
- (+) pg 210: s/6.5.1/6.3.3/
- (+) pg 211: the opening { of the Token::get() function is indented -- it should not be.
(A compiler can't tell the difference, but we can and code should be aestetically pleasing).
- (+5/25/09) pg 211: s/ case '%'://
- (+5/17/2010) pg 213: s"// deal with *, / and %"// deal with * and /" (using " as the substitution separator)
- (+) pg 215: Questions 1 and 6 should be merged into one question 1.
- (+2/23/2010) pg 216: Add a hint to exercise 3:
Hint: The calculator functions deal with doubles, but factorial is defined only for ints,
so just for x! assign the x to an int and calculate the factorial of that int.
- (+) pg 217: s/P(a-b)/P(a,b)/
Chapter 7
- (+5/22/2010) pg 221: s/If we added/If we used/
- (+5/22/2010) pg 225: s/be the next character to be read/be a character to be read/
- (+4/2/09) pg 226: s/The first thing that expression does is to look for a primary(),and now it finds q. /
The first thing that expression() does is to call term(), which first calls primary(), which finds q./
- (+5/22/2010) pg 226: s/isn't a primary/isn't a Primary/
- (+4/20/09) pg 229: s/= 0/= 2/
- (+12/26/09) pg 229: s/double d = term();/double d = primary();/
- (+3/22/09) pg 230: s/left *= term();/left *= primary();/
- (+3/22/09) pg 230: s/double d = term();/double d = primary();/ twice
- (+) pg 230: in the bottom code fragment: s/f (i2==0)/if (i2==0)/
- (+5/23/2010) pg 231: s/defining a number/defining an object/
- (+5/22/2010) pg 231: s/number ='0'/For example, an assignment number ='0'/
- (+) pg 232: s/cin.putback()/cin.putback(ch)/
- (+5/22/2010) pg 234: delete the comment "//quit"
- (+5/23/2010) pg 236: s/repeat an action/explain something/
- (+) pg 237: properly align "- Primary" and "+Primary"
- (+9/20/09) pg 238 s/Tokenstream's buffer/the Tokenstream's and cin's buffers/
- (+5/22/2010) pg 238: delete the comment "//quit"
- (+4/11/09) pg 247: s/struct Token {/class Token { public:/ with the "public:" on its own line, like this
class Token {
(to exactly match pg 182).
- (+4/2/09) pg 247: s/7.8.2/7.8.1/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 251: Replace review #18 by: "18. How do you chose names for variables and functions? List
possible reasons."
- (+5/22/2010) pg 251: s/calculator's names/calculator's variable names/
- (+) pg 252: s/the H key./the H key (both upper and lower case)./
- (+4/2/09) pg 252: s/After analyzing its output/After analyzing its input/
(+12/26/09) pg 252: exercise 4: s/declare_name()/define_name()/
(+5/23/2010) pg 252: exercise 4: s/global variable/variable/
(+12/26/09) pg 252: exercise 9: s/declare()/define()/
Chapter 8
- (+7/9/2010) pg 257: s/ each must be matched/if the entity it refers to is used each must be matched/
- (+3/9/09) p259 s/hundred of thousands/hundreds of thousands/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 261: s/we have defined string and vector to be
initialized/string and vector are defined so that variables of those
types are initialized/
- (+5/23/2010) pg 261: s/A global variable/A global variable (§8.4)/
- (+2/24/09) pg 262: s/f.cpp/user.cpp/
- (+2/24/09) pg 263: s/f.cpp/user.cpp/ twice.
(And really that example would have been better if I had also provided a f.cpp in which f() was defined).
- (+5/23/2010) pg 267: Improve the comments in the first example:
int x; // local variable, hides the global x
int x = y; // local x initialized by global y, hides the previous local x
- (+8/16/2010) pg 271: s/return statement/return-statement/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 272: Start a new paragraph after "value return is a form of initialization."
- (+6/13/2010) pg 272: s/const vector v, const string/vector v, string/
- (+2/24/09) pg 275: s/or (int i=0;/for (int i=0;/
- (+4/11/09) pg 275: in the label "Refer to vd2 in 2nd call" vd2 should be in code font
- (+4/2/09) pg 277: s/(did not use pass-by-const-value)/(did not use pass-by-const-reference)/
- (+3/15/09) pg 278: s/copy d2's value to d2/copy d2's value to d1/ (in the comment)
- (+5/23/2010) pg 280: s/For manipulating
containers (e.g., vector)"/For manipulating containers (e.g., vector)
and other large objects"/
- (+1/20/2010) pg 280: s/if (v1.size()!=v2.size()/if (v1.size()!=v2.size())/
- (+8/18/09) pg 281: replace the line double x(y); with
double x(y); // initialize x with y (see sec8.2.2)
- (+3/9/09) pg 287 s/first in, first out./last in, first out./
- (+5/23/2010) pg 289: s/the default Date/the default date/
- (+4/2/09) pg 290: s/to prevent the called function/to prevent the calling function/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 290: s/A static local/The static local/
- (+8/16/2010) pg 292: s/namespace directive/using directive/
- (+10/28/2010) pg 293: Drill 1. Add at end: "Hint: you need to #include<iostream> to use cin."
- (+6/13/2010) pg 294: s/Which calls compiled, and why?/Which functions and calls compiled, and why?/
- (+4/2/09) pg 296, exercise 1: s/and istream& parameter/an istream& parameter/
- (+4/2/09) pg 296, exercise 3: s/we get 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 15, 24/we get 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21/
(amazing mistake!)
- (+8/6/09) pg 296, exercise 7: s/Hint: Before sorting age, take a copy and use that to make a copy of age in the right order after sorting age/Hint: Before sorting name, take a copy and use that to make a copy of age in the right order after sorting name/
(+6/14/2010) pg 296: s/should make such a series/should make such a sequence/
Chapter 9
- (+2/24/09) pg 307: The dot in /initializer syntax./ is blue (code font); it should be black (text font).
- (+6/13/2010) pg 307: Replace 12/24/2007/ with (12,24,2007)
- (+3/25/2010) pg 308: s/Ouch! invalid date/Ouch! invalid date (birthday.d==32 makes today invalid)/
- (+3/25/2010) pg 308: s/Ouch! invalid date/Ouch! invalid date (today.m==14 makes today invalid)/
- (+11/16/09) pg 309: s/Georgian/Gregorian/ twice
- (+6/13/2010) pg 310: s/the order of class members/the order of class function and data members/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 310: s/The :y(yy), m(mm), d(dd) notation is how
we initialize members. /The :y(yy), m(mm), d(dd) notation is how we
initialize members. It is called a (member) initializer list. /
- (+4/2/09) pg 312, last paragraph: s/print out /return the value of/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 312: s/can refer to another member/ can refer to a function or data member/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 312: s/ The function will be ... ./The function will be inline;
that is, the compiler will try to generate code for the function at
each point of call rather than using function call instructions to use
common code./
- (+6/13/2010) pg 312: s/, say five lines of code,/, say five or more lines of code,/
- (+3/29/09) pg 314: s/and add_date() will have/and add_day() will have/
- (+4/2/09) pg 317: s/Month m = sep;/Month m = Sep;/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 320: s/(x<min || max<x)/ (x<min || max<=x)/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 321: s/if you copy a Month/if you copy a Date/
- (+2/24/09) pg 323: s/for (int i=0, i<s.size(), ++i)/for (int i=0; i<s.size(); ++i)/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 323: change the toupper line:
s[i] = toupper(s[i]); // oops: read and write a random memory location
- (+6/13/2010) pg 324: s/Date& default_date()/const Date& default_date()/
- (+3/7/2010)pg 330: add after the first comment line:
#include "Chrono.h"
- (+10/30/2010) pg 330: s/Date& default_date()/const Date& default_date()/
- (+6/13/2010) pg 331: add a test of m after the test of d:
If (m<Date::jan || Date::dec<m) return false;
- (+02/11/2010) pg 332: Add before the last return statement in operator>>():
dd = Date(y,Date::Month(m),d); // update dd
- (+3/11/09) pg 334: s/operator<</operator <</ with only the "<<" in code font
- (+3/11/09) pg 334: s/have functions that access these methods/have functions that access this data/
- (+3/11/09) pg 334: s/Have a helper method/Have a helper function/
- (+2/5/2010) pg 334: s/the title author, and ISBN/the title, author, and ISBN/ (in excercise #6)
- (+3/11/09) pg 335: s/Also create a method/Also write a function/
- (+3/11/09) pg 335: s/a set of useful helper function/a set of useful helper functions/
(+7/5/2010) pg 335: s/long/long int/ four times.
Chapter 10
- (+5/7/2010) pg 340: s/and then access/and programs then access/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 345: s/check that the file/checks if the file/ twice
- (+5/8/2010) pg 345: s/file named name/file named oname/
- (+8/16/2010) pg 345: s/ost <</ ost <</ (indent correctly)
- (+6/12/09) pg 346: s/if(fs)/if(!fs)/
- (+8/16/2010) pg 346: s/ifs is already open/fs is already open/ (in comment)
- (+7/9/2010) pg 347: s/(hour of day,/(hour,/
- (+3/13/09) pg 351: s/see sec10.6 and // (This *is* section 10.6)
- (+2/24/09) pg 351: s/and Langer, Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales./and Standard C++ IOStreams and Locales by Langer./
(+5/8/2010) pg 351: s/simplify all input loops by/simplify all input loops on ist by/
(+5/16/2010) pg 355: s/isdigit(ch)/isdigit(ch) || ch=='-'/
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
(+5/16/2010) pg 431: s/stringstream/ostringstream/
(+7/9/2010) pg 433: s/, Window.h, and GUI.h/ and Simple_window.h/
(+3/26/2010) pg 434: pg 434: s/HTTP/HTML/
(+12/8/09) pg 434: Change exercise 4 to: Draw a 3-by-3 tic-tac-toe board of alternating white and red squares.
(+3/26/2010) pg 435: in 13: s/the superellipse shapes/the lines/
(+10/5/09) pg 435: in 12: s/the number of points connect to/the number of other points to connect a point to/
Chapter 13
- (+7/13/2011) pg 440: s/Window.ccp/Window.cpp/
- (+6/23/09) pg 441: s/max_x()/x_max()/
- (+6/23/09) pg 441: s/max_y()/y_max()/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 442: s/to add to/to add a Point to/
- (+2/05/2010) pg 444: s/we get/we get:/
- (+) pg 445: s/fl_draw()/fl_line()/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 447: s/Transparency::/Color::/ twice
- (+8/16/2010) pg 448: s/-..-../-..-../
- (+6/12/09) pg 454: s/Shape::add(p)/Closed_polyline::add(p)/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 454: s/existing lines/existing lines (code not shown)/
- (+7/23/09) pg 455: s/Rectangle(Point xy, int hh, int ww)/Rectangle(Point xy, int ww, int hh)/
- (+3/24/09) pg 461: s/8-by-8/16-by-16/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 461: s/write a simple color chart/draw a simple color chart/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 461: s/set_fill_color(i*16+j);/set_fill_color(Color(i*16+j));/
- (+7/20/09) pg 463: s/return Font(fnt);/return fnt;/
- (+11/5/2010) pg 464: Change the definitions of set_radius():
void set_radius(int rr)
set_point(0,Point(center().x-rr,center().y-rr)); // maintain the center
r = rr;
- (+5/17/2010) pg 466: s/write parts of a circle/draw parts of a circle/
- (+11/5/2010) pg 466: Change the definitions of set_major() and set_minor():
void set_major(int ww)
set_point(0,Point(center().x-ww,center().y-h)); // maintain the center
w = ww;
void set_minor(int hh)
set_point(0,Point(center().x-w,center().y-hh)); // maintain the center
h = hh;
- (+5/16/2010) pg 467: A better definition of focus1():
Point focus1() const
if (h<=w) // foci are on the x-axis:
return Point(center().x+int(sqrt(double(w*w-h*h))),center().y);
else // foci are on the y-axis:
return Point(center().x,center().y+int(sqrt(double(h*h-w*w))));
- (+5/16/2010) pg 469: improve Marked_polyline's constructor:
Marked_polyline(const string& m) :mark(m) { if (m=="") mark = "*"; }
- (+3/9/09) pg 470: Add a paragraph just before section "13.16 mark":
"The :Marked_polyline(m) notation is used to initialize the Marked_polyline part of a Marks object.
This notation is a variant of the syntax used to initialize members (9.4.4)."
- (+6/12/09) pg473: s/path's point (50,600)/path's point (50,250)/
(+5/17/2010) pg 474: simplify the character literal '\"' to '"'
(+5/17/2010) pg 475: simplify the character literal '\"' to '"'
(+5/16/2010) pg 475: s/, but effective,//
(+6/16/2010) pg 475 s/map (see chapter 18)/map (see §21.6)/
(+4/25/2010) pg 476: s/RBG/RGB/
(+5/16/2010) pg 477: s/(e.g. see www....)/(e.g. search the web for "RGB color chart")/
(+5/16/2010) pg 477: s/Hexagon/Regular_hexagon/ twice
(+5/16/2010) pg 477: s/(a hexagon is a regular six-sided
polygon)/(a regular hexagon is a six-sided polygon with all sides of
equal length)/
Chapter 14
- (+3/20/09) pg 489: s/points start out/points starts out/
- (+3/20/09) pg 489: s/to the members to all members/to all members/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 489: s/making any member of a class public/making any data member of a class public/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 490: s/set_points()/set_point()/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 490: s/is there,/is provided/
- (+5/16/2010) pg 490: s/size of the program/size of the generated code/
- (+9/13/2010) pg 491: s/line_color/lcolor/
- (+7/5/2010) pg 491: Clarification of the second paragraph of 14.2.3:
Shape�s most basic job is to draw shapes. We could remove all
other functionality from Shape or leave it with no data of its own
without doing major conceptual harm (see �14.4), but drawing is Shape�s
essential business. It does so using FLTK and the operating system�s
basic machinery, but from a user�s point of view, it provides just two
- (+3/31/09) pg 492: s/draw_line()/draw_lines()/ twice
- (+9/13/2010) pg 492: s/tries to restore the color and shape/tries to restore color and style/
- (+7/13/2011) pg 494: s/const Open_polyline&/Open_polyline&/
- (+6/12/09) pg 495 s/The Window would know nothing about a copy, so a
/For example, if a Window held only a copy of a Shape, rather than a reference to the Shape, changes
to the original would not affect the copy. So if we changed
the Shape's color, the Window would not notice the change and would display its copy with the unchanged color. A/
- (+9/15/2010) pg 495 (in the figure): s/line_color/lcolor) twice and add "fcolor"
- (+5/16/2010) pg 496: s/for a Circle/for a Shape that is a Circle/
- (+9/15/2010) pg 497 (in the figure): s/line_color/lcolor) twice and add "fcolor"
- (+6/4/09) pg 498: s/vpt/vptr/ twice in the figure
- (+6/4/09) pg 498: s/:/::/ three time in the figure
- (+9/15/2010) pg 498 (in the figure): s/line_color/lcolor) twice and add "fcolor"
- (+5/16/2010) pg 502: (the list on the middle of the page): s/If
a base is public, its name can be used by all functions./If a base is
public, its public member names can be used by all functions./
- (+5/16/2010) pg 503: s/overridden in a derived class/overridden in some derived class/
- (+6/12/09) pg 504: s/we could override Shape::draw()/we could override Shape::draw_lines()/
(+5/16/2010) pg 508: s/double*/double* (see Chapter 17)/
(+4/25/2010) pg 508: s/runtime_exception/runtime_error/
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
- (+4/3/09) pg 540: s/or XML//
- (+6/12/09) pg 544: s/wait_for_button();/void wait_for_button();/
- (+3/24/09) pg 547: s/becomes unobscured/becomes visible/
- (+6/14/2010) pg 547: Change the definition of botton_pushed to
bool button_pushed; // initialized to false in the constructor
- (+3/24/09) pg 548: indent ``virtual void move(int dx,int dy);''
- (+5/17/2010) pg 551: s/unsigned //
- (+4/6/09) pg 552: There should be no color button on the screen shot.
- (+4/6/09) pg 553: There should be no color buttonon the screen shot.
- (+5/17/2010) pg 554: s/idiom for delete window/idiom to delete window/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 555: /stringstream/ostringstream/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 555: /a stringstream/an ostringstream/
- (+5/17/2010) pg 555: /stringstream/ostringstream/
- (+6/12/09) pg 561: The member initializers should be in declaration order, that is:
Lines_window::Lines_window(Point xy, int w, int h, const string& title)
next_button(Point(x_max()-150,0), 70, 20, "Next point", cb_next),
quit_button(Point(x_max()-70,0), 70, 20, "Quit", cb_quit),
next_x(Point(x_max()-310,0), 50, 20, "next x:"),
next_y(Point(x_max()-210,0), 50, 20, "next y:"),
xy_out(Point(100,0), 100, 20, "current (x,y):"),
menu_button(Point(x_max()-80,30), 80, 20, "color menu", cb_menu)
- (+3/24/09) pg 562: s/line for line/line by line/
Chapter 17
- (+) pg 574: In the 2nd figure on the page is the number 4099 (in bold); that should be 4096 (of course).
- (+3/12/09) pg 580: s/8.9/8.8/
- (+5/31/09) pg 589: s/the Text object/the Text (13.11) object/
- (+5/31/09) pg 590: s/delete p/delete q/ four times
- (+5/31/09) pg 590: s/delete looks at p'/delete looks at q's/
- (+) pg 599: s/norse_gods = new Link("Odin",norse_gods,0);/norse_gods = new Link("Odin",0,norse_gods);/
- (+) pg 599: s/norse_gods = new Link("Freia",norse_gods,0);/norse_gods = new Link("Freia",0,norse_gods);/
The code as written on page 599 will crash.
Actually, the code posted on says it will crash, but the text does not.
This became a far better than intended example of why I (as stated) dislike this kind of code.
- (+4/16/09) pg 604: delete the second version of the find() function (the const ... const version).
overloading on const is not explained until later.
- (+3/31/09) pg 604: s/We left the value/We left value/ with "value" in code font
Chapter 18
- (+6/6/2010) pg 613: s/elem(new double[s]) { }/elem(new double[s]) { /* ... */ }/
- (+7/5/2010) pg 614: add the value 0.0 twice (for v[0] and v[1]) in the figure for v.
- (+) pg 617: s/copy(a);/for(int i=0; i<; ++i) p[i]=a.elem[i];/
- (+) pg 618: s/copy(a);/for(int i=0; i<; ++i) p[i]=a.elem[i];/
- (+4/10/09) pg 621, second line: the "and" before vector<int>() should not be blue.
- (+6/23/09) pg 622: s/<double>// five times
- (+3/21/09) pg 623: The definition of X prints only the old value of an X;
it would be more useful if both the old and the new value was printed. Replace the definition of X by:
struct X { // simple test class
int val;
void out(const string& s, int nv)
{ cerr << this << "->" << s << ": " << val << " (" << nv << ")\n"; }
X(){ out("X()",0); val=0; } // default constructor
X(int v) { out( "X(int)",v); val=v; }
X(const X& x){ out("X(X&)",x.val); val=x.val; } // copy constructor
X& operator=(const X& a) // copy assignment
{ out("X::operator=()",a.val); val=a.val; return *this; }
~X() { out("~X()",0); } // destructor
- (+) pg 624: s/delete pp;/delete[] pp;/
- (+4/14/09) pg 627: s/const double &/const double&/
- (+6/6/2010) pg 627: s/Use vector/Use std::vector/
- pg 630: Expert-level comment: the "easy to get wrong" backwards loop actually has a subtle error:
It forms a pointer to the (non-existent) element one before the array and compares that to &ad[0].
That's not standards conforming and a very aggressive optimizer may generate bad code for that.
However, that's unlikely because there is a lot of such code "out there".
A correct loop:
for (double* p = &ad[10]; p>&ad[0]; --p) cout << *(p-1) << '\n';
However, you can't just substitute in that version because then the text would be wrong.
- pg 630: Expert-level comment: the "easy to get wrong" backwards loop actually has a subtle error:
It forms a pointer to the (non-existent) element one before the array and compares that to &ad[0].
That's not standards conforming and a very aggressive optimizer may generate bad code for that.
However, that's unlikely because there is a lot of such code "out there".
A correct loop:
for (double* p = &ad[10]; p>&ad[0]; --p) cout << *(p-1) << '\n';
However, you can't just substitute in that version because then the text would be wrong.
- (+7/5/2010) pg 633: s/something like vector/something like the standard library vector/
- (+5/31/09) pg 639: s/last character read into p/last character read into buffer/
- (+6/6/2010) pg 641: s/return is_palindrome(++first,��last);/return is_palindrome(first+1,last-1);/
- (+4/15/09) pg 642: s/argument array/argument vector/ (with "vector" in code font)
(+8/14/2010) pg 643: exercise 9: s/Consider the memory layout in �17.3/Consider the memory layout in �17.4/
Chapter 19
- (+) pg 648: s/vector<double> d;/vector<double> vd;/
- (+4/15/09) pg 648: s/be not be/not be/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 650: s/space is 0/space==sz; that is, there is no "free space'':/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 654: s/self-reference (e.g., v=v)/self-assignment (e.g., v=v)/
- (+3/13/09) pg 655: s/vector(int s)/explicit vector(int s)/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 655: s/for 0<=n<sz elem[n] is element n/if 0<=n<sz, elem[n] is element n/
- (+3/13/09) pg 657: s/vector(int s)/explicit vector(int s)/
- (+3/13/09) pg 657: s/vector_char(int s)/explicit vector_char(int s)/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 657: s/size+free_space/size + free space/ twice
- (+6/14/2010) pg 659: s/for a give argument type,/for given object and argument types,/
- (+3/14/09) pg 663 in "(the size parameter N)", the "N" should be in the blue code font
- (+5/5/09) pg 664: s/array doesn't have those problems/like vector, array doesn't have those problems/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 664: Add a comment to the definition of printout:
template<class C> void printout(const C& c) // function template
- (+6/7/2010) pg 665: s/add 200/add 100/
- (+6/7/2010) pg 665: s/add 300/add 100/
- (+8/27/09) pg 666 s/tries to make 100 No_default()s/tries to make 200 No_default()s/
- (+6/7/2010) pg 666: s/make 200/add 100/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 666: s/four fundamental operators/four fundamental operations/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 667: s/how a vector can deal/how a vector can deal/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 669: replace
while (i!=-1) try {
while(cin>>i && i!=-1)
try {
- (+6/2/2010) pg 671: s/unsigned int/size_type/ twice
- (+6/2/2010) pg 677: s/some_function()/make_vec()/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 677: s/(vector::at())/(e.g., vector::at())/
- (+8/27/09) pg 678 s/with the object we got from new./with the pointer we got from new./
- (+3/13/09) pg 671: s/Vector(size_type n)/explicit Vector(size_type n)/
- (+4/5/09) pg 672: s/ Fine handles/File handles/
- (+3/17/09) pg 678: s/19.3.5./19.3.6./
- (+12/28/2010) pg 679: s/elem(a.allocate(n))/elem(alloc.allocate(n))/
- (+) pg 680: Replace
template<class T, class A>
void vector<T,A>::reserve(int newalloc)
if (newalloc<=space) return; // never decrease allocation
vector_base<T,A> b(alloc,newalloc); // allocate new space
for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) alloc.construct(&b.elem[i],elem[i]); // copy
for (int i=0; i<sz; ++i) alloc.destroy(&telem[i]); // destroy old
swap< vector_base<T,A> >(*this,b); // swap representations
template<class T, class A>
void vector<T,A>::reserve(int newalloc)
if (newalloc<=this->space) return; // never decrease allocation
vector_base<T,A> b(this->alloc,newalloc); // allocate new space
for (int i=0; i<this->sz; ++i) this->alloc.construct(&b.elem[i],this->elem[i]); // copy
for (int i=0; i<this->sz; ++i) this->alloc.destroy(&this->elem[i]); // destroy old
swap< vector_base<T,A> >(*this,b); // swap representations
(I forgot - and forgot to mention - that "this->" is required when accessing a member of a template base class of a
template class.
Not all compilers enforce this rule. When you re-test, re-test on every compiler you use.)
- (+4/19/09) pg 680: add after the last sentence (ending "we wanted."):
Similarly, we have to explicitly use this-> when we refer to a member of the base class vector_base<T,A> from a member of the derived class vector<T,A>, such as base<T,A>::reserve().
- (+10/22/2010) pg 680: replace
for (int i=0; i<this->sz; ++i)
this->alloc.construct(&b.elem[i],this->elem[i]); // copy
uninitialized_copy(b.elem,&b.elem[this->sz],this->elem); // copy
- (+6/2/2010) pg 680: Replace the "When we exit reserve() ..." with
"We use the standard-library function uninitialized_copy to construct
copies of the elements from b because
it correctly handles throws from an element copy constructor and because calling
a function is simpler than writing a loop.
When we exit reserve(), the old allocation is automatically
freed by vector_base's destructor if the copy operation succeeded.
If instead that exit is caused by the copy operation throwing an exception,
the new allocation is freed."
- (+6/2/2010) pg 680: s/such as vector_base<T,A>::reserve()./such as vector<T,A>::reserve()./
- (+3/29/09) pg 681: s/operator[]./operator[]()./ twice.
- (+6/12/09) pg 681: s/Define template<class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream&, vector<T>&)/Define
template<class T> istream& operator>>(istream&,
- (+1/16/2010) pg 681: Revised chapter 19 drill:
1-9 unchanged
10. Replace set() with an S<T>::operator=(const T&). Hint: Much simpler than §19.2.5.
11. Provide const and non-const versions of get();
12-13 unchanged
14: Bonus: Define input and output operators (>> and <<) for vector<T>'s.
For both input and output use a { val, val, val } format.
That will allow read_val() to also handle the S< vector<int> > variable.
- (+4/20/09) pg 682: Replace exercise 1 with this formulation: "Write a template function f() that adds the elements of one vector<T> to the elements of another; for example, f(v1,v2) should do v1[i]+=v2[i] for each element of v1."
(+7/9/2010) pg 683: Add to exercise 8: Hint: look up "placement
new" and "explicit call of destructor" in a complete C++ reference.
(+7/5/2010) pg 683: exercise 11: s/Give the counted_ptr an initial value for the T/Let counted_ptr's constructor take an argument to be used as the initial value of the T elements/
Chapter 20
- (+3/11/09) pg 687:
if (h<jack_data[i])
jack_high = &jack_data [i]; //save address of largest element
if (h<jack_data[i]) {
jack_high = &jack_data[i]; //save address of largest element
h = jack_data[i]; //update "largest element"
- (+3/11/09) pg 687:
if (h<(*jill_data)[i])
jill_high = &(*jill_data)[i]; //save address of largest element
if (h<(*jill_data)[i]){
jill_high = &(*jill_data)[i]; //save address of largest element
h = (*jill_data)[i]; //update "largest element"
- (+5/9/09) pg 687: s/The function from_jill()/The function get_from_jill()/
- (+3/11/09) pg 688:
if (h<v[i]) jill_high = &v[i];
if (h<v[i]) {
jill_high = &v[i];
h = v[i];
- (+4/19/09) pg 688: s/high = p;/{ high = p; h = *p; }/
- (+3/9/09) pg 690: s/high = &v[i];/{ high = &v[i]; h = v[i]; }/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 696: s/my code/my algorithms/
- (+8/27/09) pg 699 in the picture it should read val instead of Elem
- (+3/31/09) pg 700: s/is central in/is central to/
- (+) pg 701: s/{ return val; }/{ return curr->val; }/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 701: s/Basically, the List iterator/Basically, the list iterator/
- (+11/15/2010) pg 701: s/iterator(Link* p)/iterator(Link<Elem>* p)/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 703: s/We use this kind of test systematically
with STL algorithms./We use testing the return value against end() -
indicating ``not
found'' - systematically with STL algorithms./
- (+6/3/2010) pg 705: In the diagram add a . (dot) after "This is the start of a very long document"
- (+3/31/09) pg 706: s/String and processing data/Storing and processing data/
- (+6/3/2010) pg 706: In the diagram add a . (dot) after "This is the start of a very long document" and "This is a new line".
- (+7/22/09) pg 707 s/while (is>>ch)/while (is.get(ch))/
- (+7/25/09) pg 707: Add before "return is;":
if (d.line.back().size()) d.line.push_back(Line()); // add final empty line
- (+6/3/2010) pg 707: delete the comment "// line[i] is the ith line"
- (+7/25/09) pg 708: s/an empty Document to have one/a Document to end with a/
- (+7/25/09) pg 708: Improved ++:
Text_iterator& Text_iterator::operator++()
++pos; // proceed to next character
if (pos==(*ln).end()) {
++ln; // proceed to next line
pos = (*ln).begin(); // bad if ln==line.end(); so make sure it isn't
return *this;
- (+) pg 709:
Text_iterator end() // one beyond the last line
{ return Text_iterator(line.end(), (*line.end()).end()); }
Text_iterator end() // one beyond the last line
list<Line>::iterator last = line.end();
--last; // we know that the document is not empty
return Text_iterator(last, (*last).end());
- (+7/25/09) pg 709: s/The call advance(n) moves an iterator n elements forward/A call advance(p,n) moves an iterator p n elements forward/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 709: s/one beyond the last line/one beyond the last character of the last line/
- (+6/2/2010) pg 709: To match std::advance(), replace the erase_line() definition with
void erase_line(Document& d, int n)
if (n<0 || d.line.size()-1<=n) return;
list<Line>::iterator p = d.line.begin();
- (+6/2/2010) pg 710: To match std::advance(), replace the advance() definition with
template<class Iter> void advance(Iter& p, int n)
while (0<n) {++p; --n; }
- (+6/2/2010) pg 710: Replace the second sentence of the first paragraph with:
"In fact, for a vector called v, p=v.begin; advance(p,n); *p=x is roughly equivalent to v[n]=x."
- (+7/25/09) pg 711: Add a ++first; to find_text():
Text_iterator find_text(Text_iterator first, Text_iterator last, const string& s)
if (s.size()==0) return last; // can't find an empty string
char first_char = s[0];
while (true) {
Text_iterator p = find(first,last,first_char);
if (p==last || match(p,last,s)) return p;
++first; // look at the next character
- (+10/19/2010) pg 711: s/++first;/first = ++p;/
- (+6/3/2010) pg 712: vector: s/involve moving characters/involve moving elements/
- (+6/3/2010) pg 712: string: s/are not guaranteed to be contiguous/are guaranteed to be contiguous/
- (+7/13/2011) pg 712:s/delete()/erase()/
- (+4/20/09) pg 714: s/3rd element/4th element/ twice
- (+4/20/09) pg 714: s/4th element/5th element/ twice
- (+8/27/09) pg 716 s/we implement vector<T>::erase()/we implement vector<T,A>::erase()/
- (+6/20/09) pg 716: s/destroy(&*pos)/destroy(&*(end()-1)))
- (+8/17/2010) pg 716: s/Elem*/T*/ (in the comment)
- (+) pg 717: replace
if (size()==capacity()) reserve(2*size()); // make sure we have space
if (size()==capacity()) reserve(size()==0?8:2*size()); // make sure we have space
- (+) pg 717: Replace
*(begin()+offset) = val; // "insert" val
return pos;
*(begin()+index) = val; // "insert" val
return pp;
As I said: always re-test even after the slightest change - in this case I renamed local variables,
but didn't re-test until later.
- (+) pg 717: s/elem+space/elem+sz/ in the text; the code is correct
- (+10/4/2010) pg 717: s/the index of the element to be erased/the index at which the element is to be inserted/
- (+11/5/2010) pg 718 : s/typedef T* const_iterator/typedef const T* const_iterator/
- (+) pg 721: s/The C++ Programming Library/The C++ Programming Language/
- (+11/2/2010) pg 722: s/built-in array/built-in array/
- (+11/4/2010) pg 723: s/randomaccess/random-access/
- (+4/26/09) pg 724: s/copy (Iter f1, Iter1 e1, Iter2 f2)/Iter2 copy (Iter1 f1, Iter1 e1, Iter2 f2)/
- (+4/26/09) pg 724: s/just like the standard library copy./and returns f2+(e1-f1) just like the standard library copy./
- (+5/5/09) pg 726: Add as the second to last sentence of the
"In fact, this underestimates the saved effort because many algorithms
take two pairs of iterators and the pairs need not be of the same type
(e.g. see exercise 6)."
(+6/3/2010) pg 726 s/19. Define a range-checked vector for list/19. Define a range-checked iterator for list/
Chapter 21
- (+5/5/09) pg 733: s/finds the first odd value./finds the first odd
value. Note that when you pass a function as an argument, you don't add
() to its name because doing so would call it./
- (+7/19/09) pg 733: s/larger_than_42(int x)/larger_than_42(double x)/
- (+7/19/09) pg 734: s/int v_val;/double v_val;/
- (+7/19/09) pg 734: s/larger_than_v(int x)/larger_than_v(double x)/
- (+6/4/2010) pg 739: s/a+b+c+d/i+a+b+c+d/
- (+6/4/2010) pg 739: s/a*e+b*f+c*g+d*h/i+a*e+b*f+c*g+d*h/
- (+4/25/09) pg 742: s/all of those sums/all of those products/
- (+6/4/2010) pg 745: s/21.6.1 Maps/21.6.1 map/
- (+8/17/2010) pg 749: s/probably a pointer to/similar to a pointer to/ (in the comment)
- (+6/4/2010) pg 749: s/be a Node*/be similar to a Node*/
- (+8/27/09) pg 750 s/(Grape,100) (Kiwi,2345)/(Grape,2345) (Kiwi,100)/
- (+6/4/2010) pg 753: s/implementing large maps./implementing large maps./
- (+5/5/09) pg 754: The dotted line in the unordered_map lookup picture should go throught the 3rd from last hash table element.
- (+5/5/09) pg 755: s/If you really need unordered_map/If your C++ implementation doesn't provide unordered_map/
- (+6/4/2010) pg 755: s/21.6.5 Sets/21.6.5 set/
- (+2/23/2010) pg 756: add a comment to the definition of inventory:
set<Fruit,Fruit_order> inventory; // use Fruit_order(x,y) to compare Fruits
- (+7/22/09) pg 762: add a comment: struct No_case { // is lowercase(x) < lowercase(y)?
- (+7/22/09) pg 763: add a test for ==:
if (yy<xx) return false; // y<x
if (x.length()==y.length()) return false; // x==y
return true; // x<y (fewer characters in x)
(+6/4/2010) pg 763: s/search()/binary_search()/ 3 times
(+6/14/2010) pg 763: s/";see §21.6.4"/" because its cost is O(log2(N));see §21.6.4"/
(+6/14/2010) pg 766: s/multi_map/multimap/
Chapter 22
- (+8/27/09) pg 778: s/22.2.8/22.2.6/
- (+6/3/2010) pg 778: s/If we ..., we'd also/We could also/
- (+6/3/2010) pg 778: s/vector<pair<string,Value_type>>/vector< pair<string,Value_type> >/ twice
- (+8/27/09) pg 782 s/Simula (22.2.6)/Simula (22.2.4)/
- (+6/15/09) pg 784 s/1948/1949/ (to be precise, it ran on May 6, 1949)
- (+4/28/09) pg 776: s/often achieved though/often achieved through/
(+6/3/2010) pg 806: s/better checking of templates,/improved language facilities, such as/
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
- (+8/27/09) pg 856 s/to a floating-point number/to a floating-point variable/
- (+8/27/09) pg 858 s/complex (24.8)/complex (24.9)/
- (+10/1/09) pg 858 s/In <limits>, <limits.h>/In <limits>, <climits>, <limits.h>/
- (+6/14/2010) pg 862: s/on the course site/on the book support site/
- (+8/27/09) pg 864 s/print the elements of a row by row/print the elements row by row/
- (+) pg 865: s/10/8/ three times
- (+4/8/09) pg 865: s/from the a[i]/from a[i]/ twice
- (+) pg 870: s/7/1/ twice on the swap_rows line
- (+) pg 870: s/9/2/ twice on the swap_rows line
- (+6/3/2010) pg 870: s/(i,j,k)/(i,j)/
- (+6/14/2010) pg 872: s/the elements from/the rows from/ twice
- (+8/27/09) pg 875: s/))) pivot_row = j/)))pivot_row = k/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 876: s/(we should have used elim_with_partial_pivot)/(elim_with_partial_pivot could do better in many cases)/
- (+11/16/09) pg 877 s/24.5.3/24.5.4/
- (+6/23/09) pg 879: s/rand_int/randint/ four times
- (+5/8/09) pg 883: s/Matrix<int> b(10)/Matrix<int> b(100)/
(+6/3/2010) pg 885: s/Write a double() function/Write a triple() function/
(+6/3/2010) pg 885: s/double/triple/ four times
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
- (+7/9/2010) pg 958: s/int test_all()/int test_all(istream& is)/
- (+7/9/2010) pg 958: s/(cin>>t)/(is>>t)/
- (+) pg 959: replace commas with spaces in the test input example.
- (+5/15/09) pg 956: s/different element at end/different element at beginning/ for the line with lots of 1s
- (+7/9/2010) pg 959: s/test_all()/test_all(ifstream("my_tests.txt"))/
- (+6/23/09) pg 960: s/rand_int/randint/ four times
- (+6/23/09) pg 960: 1/24.7:/24.7 and std_lib_facilities.h:/
- (+7/5/2010) pg 960: s/the average distance between elements is
spread /the average distance between elements is uniformly distributed
in [0 :spread)/
- (+6/23/09) pg 961: s/rand_int/randint/ two times
- (+7/5/2010) pg 962: s/look not just at the formal parameter/ look not just at the formal parameters/ (missing s)
- (+7/7/2010) pg 965: s/(vector<int>& v)/(const vector<int>& v)/
- (+5/16/09) pg 972: s/from the "main program":/from the "main program"):/
- (+7/7/2010) pg 976: s/if (ln.color() != i*100)/if (ln.color() != Color(i*100))/
- (+7/7/2010) pg 976: s/if ( != i*5)/if ( != Line_style(i*5))/
- (+7/7/2010) pg 977: s/if (2<last�first)/if (2 <= last-first)/
- (+4/19/09) pg 980: s/earlier tests runs/earlier test runs/
- (+) pg 980: s/++n/++i/
- (+5/18/09) pg 984: s/different element at end/different element at beginning/ for the line with lots of 1s
- (+7/7/2010) pg 984: Drill #2 : replace commas with spaces in the test input example.
- (+10/4/09) pg 985: in 1: s/26.2.1/
- (+8/27/09) pg 985: in 3: s/the exercise in sec26.2.1/exercise 1/
(+7/7/2010) pg 986 s/(O(n^2)/O(n*n)/
Chapter 27
- (+) pg 989: s/ARM C/ARM C++/
- (+) pg 989: s/C++99/C99/
- (+) pg 991: K&R is published by Prentice Hall, not Addison-Wesley.
- (+7/13/2011) pg991: s/1997 version./1998 version./
- (+3/9/09) pg 996: s/The declaration of g() specifies no argument./The declaration of h() specifies no argument./
- (+11/16/09) pg 996: s/This does not mean that g()/This does not mean that h()/
- (+) pg 1006: s/(0)/(7)/
- (+) pg 1006: s/S1 a;/S2 a;/
- (+) pg 1006: s/S1* r = (S1*)&a;/S1* r = (S1*)&b;/
- (+4/9/09) pg 1013: s/std:string/std::string/
- (+7/19/09) pg 1014 : s/change 'd' in a to/change 'd' in aa to/
- (+5/20/09) pg 1019: s/write from/write to/
- (+12/28/2010) pg 1019: s/open fn for writing/open fn2 for writing/ (in comment)
- (+8/31/09) p1027: s/initialize *p/initialize *lst/
- (+1/26/2010) pg 1027: s/malloc(sizeof(struct List*));/malloc(sizeof(struct List));/
- (+6/26/09) pp1030-1031: move the definition int count = 0; to the top of the function main().
In C89, declarations cannot come after statements in a block.
- (+6/18/09) pg 1031: s/"Hello, World"/"Hello World"/
Appendix A
- (+) pg 1049: s/bound to a reference/bound to a local or namespace reference/
- (+5/22/09) pg 1054: /A12/A.12/
- (+5/22/09) pg 1058: /Try to convert v into a D*/Try to convert p into a D*/
- (+4/23/09) pg 1064: Add to the first prargraph under the table:
"The comparisons <, <=, >, >= can also by used for pointers of the same type into the same object or array."
- (+4/23/09) pg 1064: s/and casting (type conversion)./, casting
(type conversion)/, and comparison (==, !=, <, <=, >, and
- (+) pg 1065: s/sizeof(a)==sizeof(a[0])*max==sizeof(int)*max/sizeof(a); that is, sizeof(int)*max/
- (+8/31/09) p1075: s/sizof(int)/sizeof(int)/
- (+7/13/2011) pg1076: s/Date(string);/Date(const char*);/
- (3/9/09) pg 1079. Before "A.12.4.1 Virtual functions" insert a new paragraph:
Members of a class can be initialized using the member initializer syntax :member(initial_value) (see A.12.3).
Only members of the class itself, and not members of its base classes can be initialized this way.
A base class can be initialized using the same syntax. For example:
struct Base {
int mb;
Base(int i) : mb(i) { }
struct Derived : Base {
int md;
Derived(int y) : md(y) { } // error: forgot to initilize Base
Derived(int x, int y) : md(y), mb(x) { } // error can't initialize base member from derived constructor
Derived(int x, int y) :Base(y), md(x) { } // ok
An initializer used to initialize a base is class a base initializer or base-class initializer.
- (3/9/09) pg 1079. Before "A.12.4.1 Virtual functions" insert a new paragraph:
Members of a class can be initialized using the member initializer syntax :member(initial_value) (see §A.12.3).
Only members of the class itself, and not members of its base classes can be initialized this way.
A base class can be initialized using the same syntax. For example:
struct Base {
int mb;
Base(int i) : mb(i) { }
struct Derived : Base {
int md;
Derived(int y) : md(y) { } // error: forgot to initialize Base
Derived(int x, int y) : md(y), mb(x) { } // error can't initialize base member from derived constructor
Derived(int x, int y) :Base(y), md(x) { } // ok
An initializer used to initialize a base is class a base initializer or base-class initializer.
- (3/9/09) pg 1079. Before "A.12.4.1 Virtual functions" insert a new paragraph:
Members of a class can be initialized using the member initializer syntax :member(initial_value) (see §A.12.3).
Only members of the class itself, and not members of its base classes can be initialized this way.
A base class can be initialized using the same syntax. For example:
struct Base {
int mb;
Base(int i) : mb(i) { }
struct Derived : Base {
int md;
Derived(int y) : md(y) { } // error: forgot to initialize Base
Derived(int x, int y) : md(y), mb(x) { } // error can't initialize base member from derived constructor
Derived(int x, int y) :Base(y), md(x) { } // ok
An initializer used to initialize a base is class a base initializer or base-class initializer.
- (+) pg 1082: add bitfield sizes as on page 929.
Appendix B
Appendix C
- (+3/13/09) pg 1153: s/programming/Programming/ (in the URL)
- (+8/14/09) pg 1153: s/\Visual Studio 2005 Projects/\Visual Studio 2005\Projects/
- (+6/1/09) pg 1154: s/\Visual Studio 2005 Projects/\Visual Studio 2005\Projects/
Appendix E
- (+) pg 1173: add: encapsulation - protecting something meant to be private (e.g. implementation details) from unauthorized access.
- (+5/5/09) pg 1178: s/Maddoc/Maddock/
- (+) pg 1186: s/initialization of, 417,543/initialization of, 470,543,1076,1079/
- (+8/27/09) pg 1190: s/clock(), 981-983/clock(), 981-983, 1147-1149/
- (+5/5/09) pg 1210: s/Maddoc/Maddock/
- (+3/17/09) pg 1222: s/reserve(), 651-652, 717, 1111/reserve(), 651-652, 667, 717, 1111/
- (+4/22/09) pg 1233: s/Wheeler, David, 108, 785, 930/Wheeler, David, 108, 785, 916, 930/
Thanks to people who reported problems and often suggested remedies:
Royer Alain, Tapani Alakiuttu, Petra Alm,
Cassian Braconnier,
Leo Carreon, Gunner Carstens, Steve Carter, Greg Cheong, Carlos E. Csiszer,
J.P. Delport, Dustin Dettmer,
Alessandro Gentilini,
Yaakov Eisenberg, Richard Elderton,
Eugene Feoktistov, Stephen Feyrer,
Alessandro Gentilini,
J.R. Halterlein, Christopher E. Harris, Carlos Hernandez, C.W.Holeman II,
Jagadish R., Daniel Joffe,
Nabil Kabbani, Christopher Keane, Prabhat Kiran, Chin-Yuan Kuo,
Dirk Louis, Michael Leuschel, Teresa Leyk,
Vinit Mahedia, Mark Millard, Sam Mitchell, Jaime Moreno,
Akira Nakamura,
Carlos Pantelides, Bob Parker, Bo Persson, Marcelo Pinto, Lukasz Piwko,
Alec Ross, Robert J. Ryan, Iver Roessum
David Spaniol,
Alan Talbot, Dennis Tang,
Kees Varekamp, Francisco Vidaller
Art Werschulz, Kah-Yat Isaac Wong, Yongning Wu.