Introduction to Programming with Fortran ---------------------------------------- Practical Exercise 2 -------------------- Question 1 ---------- 1.1 Are the following statements true or false? a) All Fortran 90 statements start in column 7. b) % (percent sign) has no special meaning in Fortran. c) In free source form spaces are allowed anywhere. d) Colons must be used to separate keywords from names. e) A line in Fortran can be any length. f) Only one Fortran statement can appear on a line. g) Which of the following are valid Fortran names: v1, V1, 1v, 1V, v_1, _v1, v%1 Question 2 ---------- 2.1 The following program has been badly laid out. Reformat it so it is neat and readable but performs exactly the same function, PROGRAM MAIN;INTEGER::degreesfahrenheit& ,degreescentigrade;READ*,& degreesfahrenheit;degreescentigrade& =5*(degreesfahrenheit-32)/9;PRINT*,& degreesCENtiGrAde;END