Laboratory for Scientific Computing

Commercial Software

Commercial software

For software for stand-alone machines / laptops, see Software Downloads.


The LSC machines running Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal) have Dropbox installed. This is accessible through the main file-manager (Nautilus), and/or the usual Applications menu. Bear in mind that your home directory is already backed-up, and has a quota, so that Dropbox could easily take you over your quota if you add extra files to it elsewhere.

In some cases, you may wish to use the UIS's Dropbox agreement: UIS Dropbox, although this is best suited for research staff.

Note that Dropbox is a commerical cloud provider. Any agreement you enter into with Dropbox is your own responsibility, and you should take care that all data you place on it is permitted to be stored wherever Dropbox stores its data (potentially outside the UK and/or EU).

Google Drive

For information about accessing Google Drive from an LSC desktop, see Google Drive in LSC.

Mathematical software

The following commercial software is available on LSC systems,and are accessible either through desktop menu items (GNOME, Dash, etc.) or via the command-line:

MatLabMatrix manipulation and data processing2022a, 2019b, 2019a/lsc/matlab/R2022a

There is a limited number of licences available for these, and which are for use by the whole LSC group. Therefore, when you have finished using a particular program, please close it to ensure that the licence is freed for use by other members of the group. If you find that all licences are taken, please speak to a sysadmin. It may be possible to buy further licences.

If you get any other message about licences, then please ask a sysadmin to resolve this for you.

Other commercial software can be obtained if it is necessary for your research. Ask a sysadmin for assistance.

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